Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Birthday, Ruby

She’d put on her fanciest dress and crown for this most special day. Fashioned from the finest imported silk and hand-sewn lace, this stunning two-piece ensemble was a gift from one of her aunties for this joyful occasion and it made her feel like the queen she always knew she was. Ruby was turning 7 and was needing to feel especially pretty on this birthday as she was crossing over into the tumultuous menopausal years. Of course, her age was merely a vet’s estimate as her birth records were misplaced during her nomadic period and subsequent shelter sentence, but she could feel this birthday in her bones and joints and knew in her heart she was a woman entering the delicate change of life. 

That wasn’t the only clue. Weight had always been an issue for her with so little height to conceal even the slightest additions, but she’d noticed it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain her slender waist and girlish figure. Yes, for years, that hourglass figure was what kept all the boys down the street coming to her yard to relieve themselves. Of all the neighborhood trees and shrubs they were interested in marking, they were most intent on marking hers and it had always been a boost to her confidence as a woman. Yes, she knew her allure wasn’t just her comely figure. She did, after all, always put a little extra sashay in her step and swoosh in her tail as she passed by their houses on walks with her humans. Aside from metabolic issues, there were other signs of aging she’d noticed, but she didn’t want to dwell on that today. It was a happy day and she wanted to keep on the sunny side. 

The humans had promised a fun outing to celebrate this milestone. She’d come to live with the family 6 years ago and, while they’d treated her well enough, she always thought she brought more to the table than they did. She did appreciate the warm bed and the way her humans tucked her in at night with fluffy blankets. Sure, she was enjoying the homemade dog food her mother human had started making in the crockpot- the simmering recipe of turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans, carrots, and rice was much preferred to the brown triangles of beef-ish kibble. And the trips in the truck to the country with her human dad were admittedly glorious. But, even after all of those considerations, she felt the scales were still tipped in their favor with all the services she’d provided them through the years. Security had become a real drain on her energies. Current presidential candidates didn’t have as many threats to their lives as these people. Just yesterday, she’d saved her mother human from the bug man by positioning herself between her and the lethal sprayer weapon and, just as she’d settled back down for a nap after that, the UPS man launched yet another attack on the home’s front entrance and she was again stirred to action. 

It wasn’t just the security responsibility that was taking its toll. She had to take the humans walking everyday for their exercise. For years, the humans’ vet had recommended walking them for their cholesterol and triglycerides, but it was becoming more and more of a chore to keep their numbers in the good range as they’d gotten older. Someone had to walk the humans because they certainly weren’t going to walk themselves. She thought about how vermin control also consumed much of her time. The non-stop flow of squirrels, moles, lizards, deer, cats, birds, rabbits, lions, tigers, and bears moving across the property had her barking overtime with their refusal to bring in more help. And, if not for her pre-dawn wake-up calls, there would really be no telling how long the humans would oversleep. She hesitated to even mention how she’d take it upon herself to sort the neighbor’s garbage into categories only to have her dad human come out in his pajama pants and undo all of her work. Still, she was happy with them for the most part. Despite her long work days, the crockpot delicacies and her mother’s habitual use of baby talk made the work conditions tolerable. Especially with the human children gone, she’d noticed an uptick in her mother human referencing her as the baby and that made her feel all goose-bumpy inside. 

Today, the humans were taking her out on the town for a celebration of her 7 years of life- give or take a little. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but she was certain it would be awfully nice. That’s when she decided to put on her best new dress and head outside to load up. 

After a drive in the truck with her considerable ears flowing in the breeze, a long walk through the woods, and time spent barking at the geese in the lake and squirrels in the trees, she loaded back up in the truck. That’s when she saw it in the distance from the truck window. A vision of loveliness- a beacon of beauty- the symbol of juiciness. Her dad human was driving toward the golden arches of culinary excellence and fine dining. Her mouth began to water as she thought about the all-beef patty with melty cheese and she prayed the ice cream machine was in working order. It was her lucky day. She gulped all the goodness as her crown drooped farther and farther down the side of her head from a full day of birthday fanfare and merriment. 

Tired, hot, and stuffed, it was time to head home and sleep off the ill-effects of the celebration. She stretched out on the back seat and thought how she probably did have it better than most dogs. She thought about the year she’d had and all the good times and the bad. She remembered how sad the humans were when Otis died and she saw how much they loved their animals. She guessed they probably loved her that much, too. Through the years, she’d been there for the humans and they’d been there for her. Sure, she still probably put in longer work weeks, but she knew she couldn’t be loved any more in return. And with that thought still in her mind, she drifted off to sleep and dreamed of squirrels and geese and melted cheese and the warm feeling of being loved by humans. What a lucky dog, she was. 

Happy Birthday, Ruby Miller, our loyal friend. 


Ruby asked that I share the dog food recipe I’ve been using. About 2 months ago, I started making her food to try to help her itching and it has made an incredible difference in the way she feels overall. She’s slimmed up a little and has so much more energy! She’s acting like a pup again. 

Ruby’s Delight

3 lbs of ground turkey or chicken 

1 1/2 cups of brown rice

4 cups of water- sometimes I use 1/2 unsalted bone broth and 1/2 water

3 bags of frozen veggies or fresh- I use frozen and switch it up each week. I’ve tried different combinations of sweet potatoes, green beans, chopped spinach, carrots, sweet peas, and broccoli. 

Cook on low for 6 or 7 hours. Stir it occasionally. She eats 2 cups a day and this makes 6 1/2 days worth. 

Bon Appetit! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

In the News Today

I’ve been an avid news watcher for most of my adult life. It’s not always been the detriment to mental health and killer of cheerfulness that it is today, but I do like to stay informed- which is kind of weird because “ignorance is bliss” is usually my go-to motto. I’m not really one to get anxious about the news, but I admit it does hit a little differently with our first grandbaby on the way. I’d backed off of my habit and had been on what you might call a news fast for the last couple of years. During my dieting, I found my general outlook skyrocketed, but an election cycle always draws me back in and, yes, I’ve fallen off the wagon. Even if I don’t sit and watch the news proper, it’s impossible to miss the headlines if you ever visit this thing called the internet. 

There’s so much going on in the world right now and, as an over-informed consumer of news, I’ll see if I can summarize it for you in case you’re in the dark. It will be a completely neutral synopsis. *The devastation from Hurricane Helene is almost incomprehensible and, while people are still being rescued and digging themselves out of that disaster, a more monstrous storm, Milton, is headed for central Florida as a historic category 5 hurricane. Floridians have been clamoring to find fuel to evacuate via jammed highways and interstates. *Helene’s victims are criticizing FEMA’s slow response and accusing the federal government of spending more money on humanitarian aid to Lebanon than on helping their own citizens. The government denies the claim and pledges their assistance as long as it’s needed. *VP Harris and Gov. Desantis are going back and forth as the media tries to fuel the controversy about who called or didn’t call who and who’s making the hurricane political. *There are reportedly some nervous household names as P. Diddy sits in prison and a very dark and disturbing underworld waits to be exposed. *A year after the attack on Israel, it remains at war with the terrorist groups, Hamas and Hezbollah, who still hold many of their hostages from that fateful day. Israel has taken out most of Hezzbolah’s leadership in the latest rounds of attacks. Iran bombed Israel last week and Israel plans to counterattack with vengeance as the world tries to encourage a cease fire. The Middle East looks as stable as a drunk man on a tight rope right now. *Pro-Palestinian protests are going on here at home and abroad and Jews are concerned with rising antisemitism. *President Trump returned to Butler, Penn to finish the rally that was cut short by the July assassination attempt that killed a former fire chief who was in attendance. *Dockworkers and port owners reached a tentative agreement after 14 ports were shutdown for 2 days due to workers striking for more money and keeping automation from taking their jobs. They’ll negotiate a permanent contract in January. *America’s largest water utility company in New Jersey was hit with a cyberattack last week. The company serves 24 states and the full impact is still unknown. *Ukraine struck a major Russian oil terminal that provided fuel for their war effort. Opinions are split about our ongoing and costly support of their conflict with Russia. *An Afghan man in Oklahoma has been arrested by the FBI and charged with planning a terror attack on Election Day here in the U.S. *The stock market took quite a tumble yesterday but rebounded some today. 

Those are the high spots but add in the other 99 lower profile headlines we inadvertently see while we scroll on our phones or listen to our radio in the car. That doesn’t even include the political back and forth and non-stop ads. Mix in some local and state news that only your area knows about and add in the concerns from your circle of family, church, and friends. By the time we get done heaping all that news and information on ourselves, it’s no wonder we feel weighted down and defeated. Studies show that negative news increases our consumption and the media is a consumption-obsessed business, so they feed us a steady diet of it all day. Studies have also found our over-exposure to negative news causes anxiety, depression, and despondency. 

Our grandparents got one or two newspapers a week and their knowledge of the world outside their local area was limited to what was printed on those sheets plus short snippets on the radio or a television news time slot. No 24-hour news channels and certainly no phones in their pockets with minute by minute updates from the entire globe. It’s too much for a mind to process and a heart to absorb. So, how do Christians stay informed and engaged without getting sucked down the rabbit hole and overwhelmed by things they can do little to change? Don’t think I’m about to tell you because I have no idea. I was hoping you could tell me. 

Last week, we were out of a few things including milk and conditioner so I ran to Wal-Mart. I can do without a lot of things but milk and conditioner aren’t on that list. Frizzy-headed milk drinker here. Anyway, with all the ominous headlines of strikes and shortages and more inflation and the Middle East rolling around in my head, I was in the hair care section smelling all the different Native conditioner scents when I heard the most lovely sound. I stopped and listened. It was happy and cheerful and brought up all kinds of warm thoughts and feelings for me. I chose my conditioner and decided to follow the joyful song luring me along like the Pied Piper. It was my favorite- beautiful Christmas music. Nat King Cole, then Brenda Lee, then Bing Crosby singing familiar favorites. The inviting melody led me to a wonderland of Christmas trees and lights and displays of ornaments and decorations. Yes, I know it’s only October, but being surrounded by reminders of a warm and inviting season made me forget for a moment that the world outside the Wal-Mart Christmas department was in a state of disarray and utter chaos. With just a different kind of song playing that stood out from the rest, I’d found my way to a peaceful place. A contented place. A soothing place. 

There are people walking around us now who are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders. They’re stressed about making ends meet, their health, their job, their children, or maybe they just watched the news or scrolled through social media for more than 20 seconds. There aren’t many places we can go and not hear the bad news. It’s loud and obtrusive and finds us wherever we are. I’m not trying to place any spiritual motives behind Wal-Mart’s retail ploys, but I was thinking how we should be more like that Christmas department. As Christians, individually and collectively as the Church, we should be that sweet tune of peace and joy that draws people in from the chaos and confusion. An inviting sound that has them coming to see what that lovely commotion is that they hear. A happy tune, a different tune that can’t help but stand out above the oppressive background hum of the world. If we could be something that’s so wonderfully out of place. Something that’s so beautifully out of the norm. Something so uniquely enticing they want to come and find the tranquility that Jesus gives. They have a million people telling them what’s wrong with the world and a thousand places they can go to hear the bad news. If there’s anywhere they should hear the peace, hope, and calm of the Good News, it’s where God’s people are. It doesn’t mean that the world isn’t on fire, it just means that our hope isn’t dictated by what’s going on in this world. Our future is in another place and that’s why our song should sound so beautifully different. 

I guess I have to ask myself if I talk more about the good news or the bad? Eek! Maybe I need to change my tune. 

God, be with the people of Florida and those who have already lost so much. 


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

In God We Trust

Early last week, I was moving my credit/debit cards, health insurance card, and driver’s license over to my travel wallet. It was mid-afternoon and we were flying to D.C. the next morning. I was trying to think through everything I’d need and that’s when I noticed my license had expired. Not wanting to take any chances at the airport with an expired ID, I looked at the time and panicked. I’d been at home all day packing and cleaning the house for the dog/house-sitter and my appearance suggested as much, but I couldn’t worry about that. I had to get to the highway patrol office before they closed and get this delinquent matter taken care of in case it would cause a travel problem. I looked in the mirror and realized just how bad it really was, so I smeared my face with powder and swiped my lips with some color and applied a little defining eyeliner. If anything makes me feel sickly, it’s no lipstick or eyeliner. 

I made it to the highway patrol office, where I was given a number and told to sit down. The last time I was there, I’d waited for 3 hours and, frankly, I didn’t have 3 hours to spare on this day. Surprisingly, my bottom hadn’t hit the chair good before they called my number- B344. Woah, that’s me, I realized! I wanted to yell BINGO as I jumped up looking for the station assigned to me. 

Now there are a lot of good things to be said about the Mississippi Highway Patrol, but their emphasis and commitment to friendly and personable service in their Driver’s License Department is not one of them. Most of the workers there are women and they look as if they wish they could just taze you and move on with their day. Their natural gifts of being snippy and degrading are really wasted at their desk jobs. Their personalities really could better shine at, say, death row of a maximum security prison. So, that’s why when you walk up to their desk, you better have your stuff in order unless you enjoy public humiliation. Clearly state what you need, have the proper paperwork in your hand, and follow commands quickly and completely. Don’t make them repeat themselves. They don’t play and nothing is funny to them. It’s a good time for sure. 

Anyway, I told her what I was there for and she asked a few questions and then told me to stand in front of the blue backdrop for my picture. This is where things got awkward. It’s hard to smile or look natural when the photographer is so ornery you’re trying to watch her hands for any moves toward her holster. “Look at the blue circle,” she said in her gruff, monotoned voice. No warning or countdown or prompting to smile- just click. I waited nervously for the big reveal. I’d been cleaning toilets and folding laundry until 30 minutes earlier and here I was waiting for the picture that would go everywhere with me for the next four years. She handed me the final product and it was worse that I could have ever imagined. It made me wish the mugshot photographer had been available. I looked like a deer in headlights- a pale, sweaty, terrified deer who was being photographed by an armed hunter. I don’t care what it costs. I will be going back for a remake. You know, like picture make-up day at school. I told Davis if something happens to me before I get back down there, he is not to let them flash my license photo up on the news while they tell about it. 

So, before I go on to the rest of our trip, there was a redeeming twist. We were in the endless security line at Reagan National about to head home. The guy who’s checking facial recognition and ID is passing everyone through after a quick glance…. except me. No, after looking at me and then looking down at the license, he told me to step aside. He asked for additional proof of identification and what music that was to my ears. I didn’t care how long he detained me or if Homeland Security was en route. Just knowing he didn’t think I looked like my license photo was a real morale booster. 

We had a great time on our trip. We met up with American Family Association/American Family Radio on one of their Spiritual Heritage Tours. Stephen McDowell was the historian who traveled with us and we learned so much about the providential beginnings of America. In a group with fellow Christians, we got the history including the spiritual foundation of our nation- the stuff the local tour guides omit. The AFA, based in Mississippi, was founded by Tim Wildmon who was also on the trip and a whole lot of fun. They do annual trips to D.C., Colonial Williamsburg, Boston, and the Holy Land. You can click here if you want more information on those. 

When we met up with the group at the Arlington hotel, we had no idea what to expect. Having never been on one of these kinds of trips, we didn’t know how large the group was or how old they’d be. Honestly, we thought we might be the only ones not on Social Security and blood thinners. What we found when we got there were around 120 people of all ages from Iowa to New Mexico to Pennsylvania and everywhere in between. There was a mom with her young sons, parents with their teenagers, couples, moms with their grown daughters. There were young adults all the way up to senior adults and we fell somewhere in the middle. I can honestly say we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and would recommend it for anyone who loves history. 

The places where God, scripture, and Christian faith are mentioned in our nation’s capital are almost innumerable. It’s also in inconspicuous places I had no idea about until last week. It’s etched in marble, inscribed in bronze, engraved on brass, stamped in aluminum, woven in tapestry, painted on canvas, chiseled in stone, and handwritten on parchment and still a growing part of our nation today believes God had nothing to do with our country’s beginnings or success and that He has no legitimacy or bearing on our modern lives. There have been miracles in battles that can be explained no other way except God’s protection and favor on our young nation. He spared our forefathers so they could set the foundation of America. In different battles, George Washington is said to have had his hat shot off of his head, four bullet holes shot in his clothing, and two horses shot and killed underneath him, but he was unharmed. He lived to win the American Revolution, become a key figure in creating our Constitution, and was, of course, our first president. He credited God’s providential care for his survival. To be reminded of the unedited, untwisted version of our American history- the good and the bad- from a Christian perspective was an inspiring and timely reminder of the gift we’ve been given and the responsibility we have as God’s people to be engaged in order to preserve it for our children and their children. You know what they say about silence and consent. American Family Association/American Family Radio also have apps and newsletters which are great ways to stay informed on issues that we may not even realize are happening and gives us convenient ways we can voice our support or opposition to things going on in our government and country. 

It’s election season and we know what a loud and dreadful time that always is- no matter your party. We just have to make it 41 more days. We can do this, people! Let’s just be kind to our fellow citizens and don’t forget to vote! Four years is an awfully long time for a bad president…..and a bad driver’s license photo. 

Y’all have a great week! 


The more thoroughly a nation deals with its history, the more decidedly will it recognize and own an over-ruling Providence therein, and the more religious a nation will become; while the more superficially it deals with its history, seeing only secondary causes and human agencies, the more irreligious will it be.” -A.W. Foljambe

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Victory Is Sweet

It was the 6th day of September- only 6 days since she’d dragged herself over the finish line of another miserable southern summer. As was always the case with her, it was an ugly and pathetic finish, but it was indeed a finish, and that was all that mattered to her. Another Mississippi June, July, and August were in the books and, while she didn’t like to wish her life away, it seemed like the only option in those hottest, most humid, and unbearable months. For 92 days, she’d sweated, perspired, and sweltered which had caused her patience to sink to dangerous levels and her mood to descend into the crotchety range. She didn’t know why she felt this way about summer, but she always had- even as a child- and the hatred had only intensified as she traveled deeper into the weeds of menopause. After 56 summer endurance competitions, she was well aware that September does not the cool weather bring when living in the Deep South, but September 1 was always a psychological victory for her. She took comfort in knowing that the worst was behind her even as sweat rolled down her back and her pulse pounded in her flushed face. - excerpt from Joni’s memoirs, Hell’s Not For Me

We’ve all made it to September and I’m just completely giddy about it. I’ve even felt this strange movement of the air already. It’s been a long, long time, but I think I remember the phenomenon being called wind. It was hot wind- like a convection oven, but moving hot air is a modest improvement to still hot air. I’ve filled my pumpkin jar with candy corn and have my fall candles doing their thing. The sound of college football on TV, the azure blue sky, and the smell of pumpkin-apple-vanilla-maple-clove-cider-spice all in the air at once have awakened a part of me that dies each summer. I realize we’ll have many ups and downs in temperature yet to traverse. There will be many “fool’s fall” days where we’re tricked into thinking the heat has finally passed, but all southerners know that Santa will come and go before we can really be sure. We’ve experienced enough Thanksgivings in shorts and Christmases with the AC running to know the war has not been won. We’re not naive about what stage of fall we’re in- but we can pretend, can’t we? 

This last month leading up to fool’s fall has really been fun….and exhausting. We’ve had a busy few weeks and three BIG Saturdays in a row. We had the gender reveal for the expectant parents and found out we’re getting a grandson, Jack! That was all the information I needed to start picking up little things here and there. Punkin is just beside herself. The next weekend, we moved into a townhome we bought in the area where both of our kids live. I guess you could call it the grandparent starter kit. We’ll have a home away from home for when we go visit or help with the baby. We’ll be 15 minutes from one of our children and 20 minutes from the other. We have no interest in moving. Let me repeat- no interest in moving. Our life is in Mississippi and that’s where we’ll continue to live, but it’ll be nice to have a place of our own to stay since we’re sure our desire to see Jack will be stronger than their desire to see us coming. And, finally, last Saturday, we went to the first Mississippi State football game (got soaking wet) and we met Carson’s girlfriend’s parents for the first time. It was a great day and we loved them! We’re 2 for 2 in the category of significant others’ family compatibility and likability. You hear horror stories where that’s not the case, but I’m happy to say our kids chose wonderful families to bring into the fold. 

We’re in a happy time and just thanking God with every other breath. You know how life is- it’s a tapestry of joys and sorrows. As sure as the sun rises and sets, we’ll go in and out seasons of laughter and tears our whole lives. I’m just rejoicing and praising God for the joys of today and the promise of the coming cool air of tomorrow……or, you know, whenever. Eventually. 

Night, y’all-

Monday, August 19, 2024

Much to Celebrate

Well, our big weekend has come and gone. It may take me a week to recover from all of the merriment, so this will be mostly a pictorial post. 

We celebrated birthdays for John Samuel, Blair, and Anna Kathryn! Blair turned 30 on the 15th, so it was a big one for her and it was John Samuel’s actual birthday. Anna Kathryn has a birthday on the last day of the month and we’ll be with her that day for the opening State football game and also meet her parents for the first time. It’s been a while since we’ve met a significant other’s parents. We’ll have to brush up on our conversational skills and overall charm and sophistication. 

Birthdays are fun and all….but they weren’t the main attraction this year. Before we switched into birthday mode, the expectant couple’s immediate families came together for their gender reveal. 

“What will baby bee?” was the theme and it was so fun. There were bees buzzing everywhere. 

The gene pool that is the grandparent lineup. Grandparent names loading from left to right- 
Poppy, Abie, Punkin, and Paps. I’ve told y’all before- John Samuel’s mom hasn’t even hit 50 quite yet. She’s going to be the young, cute grandmother and I’ll be the old MeMaw- smelling of mothballs with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my orthopedic shoe. I’ve had 7 years to prepare myself for that reality and I’m good with it. 

The expectant aunts and uncles and little cousin, Judah.

The little family in its current state. Allie, the one who looks ticked off that a baby is coming, has been with them since shortly after they married. Up to this point, their children have had 4 legs and long ears and they’ve given them so much love while they’ve waited on a baby. 

We had lunch and then the expectant parents passed out the cupcakes. Wanting to extend the mystery, there were pink and blue cupcakes. We took turns- everyone taking a bite out of theirs and counting to see which color had the majority. 
Of course, it was a tie. 

The parents had the tie breaker. 

The blues have it! It’s a BOY! 

They also announced his name will be 
John Samuel Dailey, lV
and they will call him Jack. 
They explained that from the beginning, they wanted their child’s name to have meaning and reflect the extraordinary miracle that this life is. John Samuel wasn’t sure about having a fourth until they looked up the meanings of the names, a couple of weeks ago. John means God is gracious. Samuel means God heard me- we all know the story of Samuel and Hannah. God did hear them and He has been gracious, indeed. So perfect. We all await baby Jack’s arrival with much anticipation! 

Jack’s cousin celebrates the win for the boy team!
A fun time was had by all! 

The parents visited all five of Jack’s great-grandparents to give them their blue cupcakes. I wish I had a picture of them all. 

Blair is happier than I’ve seen her in a long time. She’s enjoying every minute of being pregnant. We will never stop thanking God for this life she’s carrying. As her mom watching her becoming a mom, I’m loving just sitting back and seeing her glow. 

“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.” 
Psalm 9:1

Hope you all have a great week! 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Hunting and Gathering

A bout with itchy skin had landed her at the vet. She’d tried to keep her scratching to a minimum because she knew it would come to this. Now, here she was driving up to the house of torment and agony and her human was trying to coax her out of his truck with his lies and empty promises. She pulled the leash one way, while he pulled the other. He eventually won the tug-of-war and she slowly walked the dreaded path to the front door. 

They signed in and found a seat in the waiting room with the other unfortunates. Soon came the words that always stopped her heart, “Ruby Miller.” She panicked. From there, it was all a blur. She can’t remember if she walked into the exam room on her own power or if she was dragged across the floor by her leash but there she was in the medieval torture chamber. She heard her human talking some kind of nonsense to the lady- something about itching- and that’s when they said they needed to weigh her. “Uh, oh,” she thought. She wasn’t expecting this. She was just there for itching. Why would they need her weight? “Unnecessary tests to fleece my humans,” she assumed. Forced up on the scale, the lady called out the number for all the clinic to hear. Just blurted it out in front of the little chihuahuas, the dainty Yorkies- everybody- “65!” She  closed her eyes, hoping to escape her current reality as she listened to the nurse and her human discuss those loathsome words. Weight loss. 
Only 62 at her last visit, her human looked at her disapprovingly and her mind went back to all of the recent scavenger hunts for snacks she’d taken throughout the neighborhood. It had been a glorious few weeks, but it had finally caught up with her. “Let’s see,” she thought. There was that bag of Cool Ranch Doritos she’d found in the neighbor’s garage where she discovered their Frito-Lay variety packs. An embarrassment of riches, that was. 
Then there were the Flaming Hot Cheetos she’d gone back to try. Not too bad if chased with lake water.

There were the other flavors her human had found buried in the flower beds, but do those really count? And she’d almost forgotten the pack of butter grits she’d stumbled upon while out on a stroll. They were the instant kind as in instant gratification- although a bit dry. 

Oh, and she remembered there was that day she’d finished off the peanut butter cookies she’d stolen from another neighbor’s house. “That was a good find,” she recalled. 

The startling number on the scale was starting to make sense now as her mind drifted to the victorious moment she sneaked a bag of Turtles from a neighbor moving back home from college. What a euphoric feeling she’d had coming home with that prize clinched between her teeth. 

And then she remembered the package of assorted Jolly Ranchers she’d borrowed from the little boys while they were playing in their yard. 
And the flour tortillas she’d lifted from the roofers who were on their lunch break. 

She guessed those things coupled with her rigorous nap schedule had brought on these new numbers that were being recorded on her chart. She doubted anyone fully knew all pressure she was constantly under with keeping the place secure which likely led to the chronic exhaustion and stress eating. Oh, and she remembered how the heat had her circling right back to the house just as soon as her humans got out of sight on their walks. It was too hot to exercise. 

Of course, she couldn’t forget she was nearing her 49th birthday and could only assume menopause was partly to blame for her inability to eat like she once did and still maintain her girlish figure. She’d heard her human say that, so she was claiming it, too. It had always been a struggle for her. Some of her people were Bassetts and long known for their short, sturdy frames and wide birthing hips. “You just can’t fight genetics,” she told herself.

And as they made their way back to the truck, her human started to talk with her about making healthier choices and giving up the neighborhood pillaging of junk food snacks- which went in one long, floppy ear and out the other. 

Night, y’all!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Remember Me

Then at the proper time, Jesus and the twelve apostles sat down together at the table. Jesus said, “I have looked forward to this hour with deep longing, anxious to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering begins. For I tell you now that I won’t eat it again until it comes to fulfillment in the Kingdom of God.” Then He took a cup of wine, and when he had given thanks for it, He said, “Take this and share it among yourselves. For I will not drink wine again until the Kingdom of God has come.” Then He took a loaf of bread; and when He had thanked God for it, He broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples saying, “This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” After supper, He took another cup of wine and said, “This wine is the token of God’s new covenant to save you- an agreement sealed with the blood I will pour out for you.”

Now Jesus was in great anguish of spirit and He exclaimed, “The truth is, one of you will betray me!” The disciples looked at each other, wondering whom He could mean. One of Jesus’ disciples, the one Jesus loved, was sitting next to Jesus at the table. Simon Peter motioned to him to ask who would do this terrible thing. Leaning toward Jesus, he asked, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus said, “It is the one whom I give the bread dipped in the sauce.” And when He had dipped it, He gave it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot. As soon as Judas had eaten the bread, Satan entered into him. Then Jesus told him, “Hurry, do it now.” None of the others at the table knew what Jesus meant. Since Judas was their treasurer, some thought Jesus was telling him to go and pay for the food or to give some money to the poor. So Judas left at once, going out into the night. 

As soon as Judas left the room, Jesus said, “The time has come for me, the Son of Man, to enter into my glory, and God will receive glory because of all that happens to me. And God will bring me into my glory very soon. Dear children, how brief are these moments before I must go away and leave you. Then though you search for me, you cannot come to me- just as I told the Jewish leaders. So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” 

Simon Peter said, “Lord, where are you going?” And Jesus replied, “You can’t go with me now, but you will follow me later.” But why can’t I come now, Lord? he asked.  I am ready to die for you.” Jesus answered, “Die for me? No, before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.” 

“Don’t be troubled. You trust God, now trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know where I am going and how to get there.” “No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. We haven’t any idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus told him, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

“If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit who leads you into all truth. The world at large cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for Him and doesn’t recognize Him. But you do, because He lives with you now and later will be in you. No, I will not abandon you as orphans- I will come to you. In just a little while the world will not see me again, but you will. For I will live again, and you will, too. When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father and you are in me, and I am in you. Those who obey my commandments are the ones who love me. And because they love me, my Father will love them and I will love them. And I will reveal myself to each one of them.” 

“I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you: I am going away, but will come back to you again. If you really love me, you will be very happy for me, because now I can go to the Father who is greater than I am. I have told you theses things before they happen so that you will believe when they do happen. I don’t have much more time to talk to you, because the prince of this world approaches. He has no power over me, but I will do what the Father requires of me, so that the world will know that I love the Father.”

“Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. Anyone who parts from me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.” 

“When the world hates you, remember it hated me before it hated you. The world would love you if you belonged to it, but you don’t. I chose you to come out of the world, and so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? A servant is not greater than the master. Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you. And if they had listened to me, they would listen to you. The people of the world will hate you because you belong to me, for they don’t know God who sent me.” 

Jesus asked, “Do you finally believe? But the time is coming- in fact, it is already here- when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” 

Luke 22:14-20, John 13:21-John 14:6, John 14:16-21, 27-31, John 15:5-6, John 15:18-21, John 16:31-33

There’s been a lot of talk about the Lord’s supper in the last few days. A lot of disgust, indignation, outrage at the recent irreverent portrayal. I don’t think I could express mine any differently than what has already saturated the internet. Instead, I thought we could all use a simple reminder of just some of the things Jesus thought to be important enough to discuss on that night in question during His final moments with His disciples. 

Remember Me. 

Love each other. 

I’m going to prepare a place for you. 

I will be back to get you. 

I am the way to that place where I’m going. The truth, the life. 

Obey my commands. 

I will send a Counselor to teach and remind you of everything I’ve taught. 

I leave you with peace of mind and heart. 

Don’t be afraid. 

Stay close to me and you will be fruitful. 

Apart from me, you can do nothing. 

The world hates me and it will hate you, too. 

You will have trouble and sorrow in this world. 

Take heart. I have overcome the world. 

The world seems too evil for words, sometimes, and, last week, it got right up in our faces. It mocked our Savior who gave His blood for us all. At the last meal- the very one that was portrayed at the Olympics, ironically, Jesus warned about the world’s hatred for Him and also for us. With the warnings, He also gave instructions and encouragement. Love. Obey. Don’t be afraid. Stay close. Be fruitful. Take heart. The world’s gonna to do what the world’s gonna to do. Let’s just make sure we’re doing what we’re supposed to do. God, helps us be bolder, more committed, and more unified in our faith as your people. 


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