Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Now Don't You Feel Better?

This is not what I'd call an insightful post or one that will thrust anyone toward greatness.  It's certainly not spiritual or inspirational or profound.  You will never see this one cross-stitched on a pillow.  But, what it is an encouragement to all of you, women, out there who find yourselves putting the milk in the pantry or driving off with your coffee cup on top of your car or getting halfway home before you realize that you left one of your kids at church.  If I was put here on this earth to do one thing, it was to make you all feel better about yourselves.  I consider it my calling and I am quite fulfilled in my work. 

So, my sweet friend, Michelle, took me to lunch for my birthday this week.  Yes, I'm still celebrating that.  I don't think it hurts to extend your birthday out as far as others are willing to take it.  Anyway, we had a lot to talk about and then we exchanged gifts.  She gave me a sweet something for my birthday and I gave her a gift to take home to her daughter who is graduating from high school this weekend.  We enjoyed each other's company for a while and our delicious lunch and then we parted ways.  She was just in town for the day and had some other things to check off her list that afternoon.

Well, that night, I was working late at one of the stores and I started getting texts from Michelle.  I got this new Fitbit watch for my birthday, you see, and my text messages come across its screen but not picture texts.  So, I glanced down at my vibrating wrist to see that she'd started out by saying, "Joni, dear, I know you just had another birthday" and then she went on saying something about "Which one do you want us to tear up?"  I realized that there must have been an attached picture on my phone that would bridge the two mysterious texts and, from the sound of it, I'd done something to reveal my sprint toward menopause.  I raced around trying to find my purse so I could see if I'd advanced to the championship round of absentmindedness.  Well, she'd sent me a picture of the two checks that I'd written her darling daughter for graduation.  One was inside the card and one was inside the gift.  Written nine days apart.  I told her she could pick her favorite.....or just keep them both for hush money.

So, listen.  Next time you do something that causes you to pause and think that you could be losing it, well, just know that you have a friend in Mississippi who is driving around with one leg shaved and one not, looking for the glasses that are on top of her head, indiscriminately writing checks and passing them out like candy.  That should make you feel better........and that is why I'm here. 

It's just another service that I offer.     

Y'all have a good one! 




  1. Reminds me of looking down at my feet Monday while at the store and seeing I was wearing my slippers...

    1. No, you didn't, Jeannie!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Love, love, love that!! You go, girl.

  2. I use to be so good, now not so much. Caught myself wearing slippers at the store too, they are so comfy:)
    Kathleen in Az

    1. I'm going to have to try that! You and Jeannie were able to pull it off. :)

  3. This does make me feel better! Thanks for your service. :)


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