Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Prom and Such

Well, prom was last weekend. Chasing that fabric swatch into oncoming traffic surely paid off as Carson and his date made quite the handsome couple. Had I not risked life and limb for the cause, I suspect they would've never coordinated this perfectly. In the game of chicken, all is well that ends well, I suppose.
Y'all know what a soft spot I have for prom. The sweet, innocence of nervous boys fumbling with corsages and girls excited about their new dresses and hoping their dads don't ask too many questions of the poor guy. I was helping with the pre-prom party and loved seeing the young couples trying to navigate the special occasion. I heard some of the other moms making a commotion as they looked out the front windows of the host home. It was raining and they'd spotted Carson, who'd pulled into the driveway and was walking his date to the door with an umbrella before going back out and parking his truck down the street. There are lot of things that Carson is good at, but how to treat a lady is quite possibly the area in which his natural, inborn expertise lies.
He and his sweet date have been friends since birth and her mom and I grew up in church together and so we go way back, too. She made some fun collages of the past and present that were so sweet and confirmed the fact that time, indeed, goes by too quickly.
While we all know that Carson dressed to match his date's runaway swatch, Sugar assumed that she was really the one with whom he was trying to coordinate. She believes in her heart that she's the only woman he will ever need in his life.  
And thanks to everyone who's sent messages about our little Sugar. The doctor increased her medicine and she's really improved. Today, we celebrate 13 years of having her in our family and we're so thankful that our little Sug is doing better. In keeping with tradition, we'll make our annual birthday run to Sonic and let her pick her pleasure from the picture menu.  
Blair was home with us all weekend. She came home to do John Samuel's little sister's makeup for her prom on Friday night and stayed to see her brother off to his last prom on Saturday night. John Samuel couldn't come with her as he had to study for his CPA exam and so it was just her. It's been a long time since Davis and I looked in the backseat and saw both of them sitting there. They'd seemed to outgrow throwing punches back there and Carson didn't once tattle that his sister was looking out his window. Maybe grown kids aren't such a bad thing.
So, the spring of Carson's senior year has added many things to my to-do list as of late and so I decided it was time to redeem the massage gift card, which was given to me by some sweet friends around the time of the wedding. One thing and then another had kept me from using it then, but I decided that this new life event might just as easily call for some massage therapy as well.

I showed up for my appointment today and handed the receptionist my gift certificate, which was good for one full body relaxation massage. After filling out some paperwork on my medical history, I was taken back to the massage room, which, of course, was dimly lit with soft music playing. The massage lady instructed me to undress to my level of comfort and get on the table and she'd be back in a few minutes.

Well, that's a predicament. There, I stood alone, left to contemplate my disrobing comfort level. Take off too little and how in the world would you get the full effect of a whole body massage. Take off too much and be the talk of the spa break room for the next couple of weeks. I was wishing she'd given more specific instructions like they do at the doctor, you know?  They're real specific there. So, I just went with my gut and climbed up on the table and face planted into the little head rest thingy and waited....hoping I was dressed appropriately.

Having no idea how long the massage would take, I'd cleared the first part of the afternoon to enjoy the experience. I'm sure there's another word for the massage lady but, anyway, she came in and started loosening up all my muscles starting with the right side of my back. About the time she made it around to my left arm, I heard my purse vibrate in the chair. I'd silenced my phone but could hear it going off in there. A couple of minutes later, I could hear another text jiggling against my tin of Altoids over the soft, soothing music. I thought, "Now, which one of the reasons, why I need a massage, could that be?"  Of course, a mother always envisions her children needing her and has to weigh her repose up against their safety and well being. In this case, I decided that the kids had two parents and if they really needed something, well, they could contact the other one. Mama was busy unwinding.

It was such a soothing experience and the hour was over in a flash. Funny how an hour in the dentist chair or at the DMV flows like molasses, but let time catch you on a massage table and, boy, does it pick up its feet. So, to my friends, Sherry, Carolyn, and Nancee......every last second of your gift was thoroughly enjoyed. Maybe not as mother of the bride, but the mother of the graduate thanks you from the top of her head to the soles of her feet.

Y'all have a good Wednesday!   


  1. Carson and his date look great! Your daughter is so pretty. Grown kids are a wonderful thing, I really enjoy mine, and have two more in school still!

  2. Great pictures! I especially love Carson and Sugar. You can see the years of love. :)

    1. Oh, thank you, Julie! I loved that picture, too. I am SO behind on my comments, but I couldn't let them get by without responding! Must be the southern belle in me. :)

  3. Yay for supermom! The young couple looked beautiful and I hope they had a wonderful time. The last several months was full of big events in your family and having the massage now is perfect!
    Happy Birthday Sugar! Enjoy your Sonic:).
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! I'm so far behind on my comments as you can tell! I'm so glad the swirl of graduation activity is over now and I can finally enjoy some down time! Thanks for always reading :)

  4. What a nice looking couple. Don't they grow up fast? Mine are 36 and 27. I still remember their proms. I'm glad you enjoyed your massage.

    1. Thank you, Carol! I'm so sorry I'm behind on my comments, but I'm determined to respond to everybody! I appreciate you so much. Love seeing your name come up. :)


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