Tuesday, May 22, 2018

One Too Many Choices

So, all of the graduation festivities are now over, which is sad, but also a tremendous relief. You know, sometimes, you can really enjoy something and soak it in, but also really be glad when it's over. That's really a thing that happens. These last couple of weeks have just been a whirlwind of activity.

We'd already had a baccalaureate service at church, a family graduation party, awards night, the school's baccalaureate service, a celebration dinner, a sports banquet, senior walk-through and lunch, and preparation for another gathering, the next day after graduation.....most of those requiring something to be ironed, pressed, picked up at the cleaners, a form to be filled out, reservations made, and/or baby pictures to be submitted.

It was Friday and we had finally rounded the corner to the big finale. So, we arrive to graduation and I'm breathless. I'd announced to everyone the time we needed to leave our house in order to arrive and secure seats for the big night. I'd thought of everything. I'd charged the camera battery and my phone. Packed my purse with all the essentials. Pressed his gown for what seemed like the 14th time as he'd already worn it to several other events. I helped him with his bow tie and we got him out the door.

Blair and John Samuel got in town, a couple of hours earlier. He dropped her off at our house and then headed to his parents' house as his little sister was graduating from another school at the same time as Carson. He was long gone by the time Blair discovered she'd never gotten her dress out of the car and we were under an hour before leaving. She was going to have to find something in my closet and the likelihood of a 23 year old finding a suitable dress in her 50 year old mother's closet would be about the same as her finding a winning lottery ticket in there, but, as luck would have it, I had a dress that I intended to return, which she found acceptable, and we were back on track.

I got myself ready and put on my dress. Graduation was on the football field in the Mississippi humid heat, so I'd already eliminated anything very dressy or any form of high heels. I had a couple of different pair of shoes that would work with the lightweight dress, but couldn't decide on which to wear. As we, ladies, often do, I put one of each on and stood in front of my full length mirror. They both had their good points, I thought. I'd hold one leg up and look and then hold the other leg up and contemplate the other choice. I finally decided I needed to go find Blair for her opinion. She's my go-to person in these types of situations and it was nice that she was there in person and we didn't have to do it by way of text.

I walked out of the bedroom and met Davis, who asked me a question, and then my mother rang the doorbell. She was riding with us and was on time, which was not something to be downplayed. I yelled out a warning call to everyone that it was about time to load up and leave. I gathered my camera and purse and tried to think of anything else that we'd need and we were on our way. Davis and three women had hit their target departure time and I was feeling pretty good about things. Quite accomplished, really.  

We arrived at the school and I sent the others ahead with my purse to go and find us some seats and I hung back near the building, where the seniors were getting ready. The mothers had been instructed that there would be a class photo opp on the lawn outside that building at 6:35 for anyone who was interested. Well, I've never met one of my children's moments that I didn't want to capture, so I stood around talking to some teacher friends, while I waited for 6:35. Well, what happened next was that one of them looked down and informed me that I was wearing two different shoes.

Panic ensued. I'd left my bedroom to find Blair for her opinion, got sidetracked, and never thought about the shoes again.  

Being the good person she is, one of my teacher friends went and retrieved Davis from the stands and told him about my dilemma as he had my purse and keys and phone and everything with him. I had 30 minutes to resolve the problem and avoid humiliating Carson by congratulating him on the field with mismatched shoes. I asked Davis to go home as fast as he could and..."bring back one of these 2 shoes...I really don't care which one, at this point". Matching shoes was the only goal moving forward. I knew sending Davis was risky as I've seen even old ladies, who could barely see over the steering wheel, pass him and give him snarky looks, so he could potentially miss his son's graduation if he drove his usual speed. I emphasized that this was one of those situations, where speeding was ok and even encouraged and then sent him on his way.

I took some pictures, while I waited, which seemed like forever. While I stood around, parents and teachers and even seniors weighed in on my shoe choices. I didn't have a pen and paper to tally the votes or anything, but it seemed like those who were closer to my age thought I should've sent him for the mate to the left shoe and the younger set firmly believed I needed to go with the right shoe.  

Finally, I saw Davis speed walking toward me in the parking lot with two shoes. He'd brought them both. What a dear, sweet man. I went with the left choice and tossed the other pair in my friend's car, who was parked nearby, and we went to our seats with a good 5 minutes to spare before the procession started.

And, so, that's that. The first week of my 50th year found me dragging toilet paper from the bathroom....stuck to the bottom of my shoe. The second week wraps up with me showing up to my son's graduation wearing two different shoes, so I would completely understand if you didn't want to be associated with me any longer. I'm not sure I want to be associated with me, at this point. I may unfollow myself. Let's just say that I'm just glad that I'm not currently the mother of any big milestone.....bride, graduate, etc.. For now, I'm just a regular, everyday, run-of-the-mill mother. Which is obviously more my speed.

Yes, this is where I belong.

In the slow lane of motherhood.

And, now, I'll leave you with a few obligatory pictures.

Good day to y'all!







  1. This made me laugh because I could so relate! I also turned 50 this past year and I also came to work with two totally different colored boots on! I live too far from home to run back and correct my mistake so I just embraced it and was comedic relief for my co-workers all day. :-)

    1. I know I'm late responding to my comments, but you made my day with this different boots story! Misery loves company. :) Good to hear I'm not alone. Thank you for reading!

  2. I am crying with laughter - I have done the very same shoe thing before, but luckily only at church, not at graduation! Congratulations on making it through this big milestone and I hope you can enjoy your empty nest a little!

    1. Hey Dee! I'm so far behind on reading my comments! Sorry about that! It's good to hear I'm not the only one who has trouble getting dressed. :) Thanks for reading. Love hearing from you.

  3. You are Awesome-Sauce!!
    Welcome to the decade of reality slapping you in your beautiful, little, hot flash face...YOU WILL SURVIVE!
    Love your writing so much!
    Thanks for all the chortles and chuckles!

    1. Oh, Joni! I'm so sorry I'm just now reading this! So far behind on comments! I appreciate the encouragement so much. It means a lot to me!

  4. Joni, you are just my favorite -- thanks for the laugh this morning!! Congrats to Carson (and family) on his huge milestone! And for the record, I personally think 50 is looking fabulous on you so far -- mismatched shoes and all!

    1. You are SO sweet, Amanda! Thank you for your kind words and for always reading. Love seeing your name pop up!

  5. Another important milestone for your family. Congratulations to Carson! Hope Carson college is close by:). I agree, you look beautiful!
    Have a fabulous and fun filled Memorial Day weekend!
    Kathleen in Az

    1. Carson will go to our local community college for one year before heading off to Mississippi State! We'll have him around for a little while longer. Thank you for your kind words, Kathleen. :)

  6. I think we could be great friends! And, I totally cracked up picturing Davis get passed up by little old ladies. Congratulations to Carson and thanks for the laughs.

    1. Thank you for reading and your sweet words! I appreciate them more than you know. :)

  7. Davis is a dear, sweet man and a keeper!

    1. Yes, yes, he is. Bless his heart....he's always having to rescue me from some self-inflicted crisis. :)

  8. These stories don't make me not want to associate with you... they make me wish I knew you in real life! My girlfriends and I would have laughed so hard one of us would have been snorting! I love the way you tell a story! Glad your husband was there to save the day!

    1. Hahaha....Thanks, Denice! I'm sure I'd have a lot of fun with you and your girls! Thanks for your sweet words. Means a lot to this crazy person.


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