Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Labor Day Passage

I was going to post last night, but my head was pounding.  Pounding.  This ragweed season is killing me.  I'm currently in the process of trying to determine which vacuum cleaner attachment would best fit up my nostrils and offer some relief.

Unlike the intermittency of my sneezing, itchy, runny nose, and burning eyes, something that has remained steady and constant is the headache over my right eye.  I was so desperate when I woke up this morning with it again that I even followed the advice of a random video I found on my Facebook newsfeed.  I think he's supposed to be a doctor or something, but I'm guessing he may just be a creepy guy from the 7-Eleven filming in his Mom's basement with a medical poster he got off Amazon.  Either way, I do think it helped some, so, if you're having sinus trouble, here he is........
I hope your Labor Day was good! 

We had a full weekend around here!  Football.  Birthdays.  Foods rich in cholesterol. 

On Saturday night, we had Blair's boyfriend's family over to eat and enjoy some belated birthday cake.  Blair and John Samuel have birthdays just 2 days apart and we'd not seen him to give him our gifts.  With them both home for the weekend, we took the opportunity to celebrate them both with his sweet family.

They're precious people....just precious.....and we did our best to give the appearance that we, too, are a nice and normal family.  I mean.....with what we have to work with, I think we pulled it off pretty well.  We had a perfectly delightful evening!
We also had some other Labor Day gatherings, Davis' mother's birthday, a lot more football, and just an all around nice weekend. 

I love Labor Day.  I mean, I really, really love Labor Day.  I look at Labor Day like graduation day for me.  I have completed and passed all the requirements of another dreadful Mississippi summer and am being promoted to fall.....complete with a certificate with a gold seal, my name in calligraphy, and all. 

Sure, we have more warm weather still to come, but I look at it like the hot water that comes out when you first turn on the hose.  You know there's not much in there and the cooler stuff is coming down the pipe right behind it.

When you hate summer as much as I do, it's a psychological victory.  I feel like I have been through the fire......the hot, steamy, humid, relentless, scorching, miserable fire......and have come out on the other side.  The darkness has been lifted and a lot of sweat has gone into this passage.  A lot of sweat.     

Now, we just wait for the least little cool snap to come in.  It will only take a dip of a few degrees and we'll have the sweaters and boots out so fast it will make your head spin.  Until then, we'll walk across our crunchy leaves and brittle grass and try to convince ourselves that it's a sign of fall and not that it's simply been fried to a crisp by the brutal Southern sun. 

So, here's to the kick-off of my favorite quarter.  The time when I feel rejuvenated and most energetic.  The time when a bounce returns to my step.  When the sky is just a little bluer.  When the days are a little happier.  When all seems right in the world.   

So, get out there and enjoy being able to buy candy corn in the family size bag.  Ripping the meat from honey BBQ wings while you stare at college football.  Sitting around a fire without having to call the medics.  Enjoying hot chocolate with whipped cream without suffering a heat stroke.  Having the green light to eat soup and chili again.  Breaking out the jeans and sweaters and forgetting those smooth, tan legs.  Keeping candy around the house in the name of trick or treat.       

Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

Bring it, fall. 

Bring it. 



  1. I can hear it in your writing Joni! Happiness! and a wonderful Labor Day weekend to the start of our season of Grace, Fall! I'll celebrate by getting a bag Autumn candy corn mix! Kathleen in Az


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