Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Happy Birthday, Dear Mama

Well, I'm back from my little trip.  Tuesday was my mother's 74th birthday and she wanted to go eat lunch with her two youngest grandchildren at their new school. It was all she wanted so I decided we would make a couple of days out of it.  Here's my pictorial summary....

Of course, we shopped and then ate with my brother, Lee, sis-in-law, Jenny, and the kids at Chuy's.  On the right, Mama is pictured with her favorite child.  She'd never admit to it but, well, Lee's the baby and you know how that whole baby thing goes. 
The, next day, we sat with Lily during her 10:55 lunch.  Um, hello, kindergarteners eat early.   
Then, we ate at 12:00 with Lelan who's in the 2nd grade.  Let's just say, it's been a long time since I've had the corn dog and chocolate milk combo.  Just as good as I remembered. 
Lelan taught us how to maneuver the elementary school cafeteria line and even picked up the tab by punching in his lunch number and signaling to the cashier that we were with him.  Had I known he was paying, I would've gotten 2 chocolate milks.  
It just happened to be the day that they were both on duty as the "table wipers" so we got to witness some grueling work. 
 After school, we went to watch Lily at her gymnastics class.  I'm happy to report that she does NOT take after her Aunt Joni in this area.
 After a full day, Lee and Jenny and Jenny's parents had dinner and a beautiful cake for her before we left for home.   
Homemade cards were presented......the very best kind of cards that there is. 
And it was just a sweet, sweet time all around. 

In all of our shopping, we happened upon a darling store called SugarBoo's and I found a quote that I just loved in there.....
Life has a way of tricking us.  Tomorrow convinces us that it will be the same as today.....that there's no cause for alarm.  Time fools us into believing that it doesn't have any surprises in store.  It lulls us to sleep with the hum of the familiar. 

I'm most guilty of not loving with urgency.  Maybe I place too much trust in the predictability of tomorrow.  I just want to count on it being a repeat of today.  That complacent state of mind that is content to believe that nothing will ever change.  That my little nephew and niece won't ever get too big or too cool to be seen with their aunt at school.  That my children won't ever move far away from home and that my nest won't ever be empty.  That my Mama won't ever grow old and leave me.  That Davis will be around as long as I am.  That next year will be just like this one.......and the year after that and the year after that.

But, I've been tricked by life before.  Sometimes, it pulls its stunts quickly and abruptly.  Sometimes, it's more of a slow and painful shift.  But, either way, it happens in the same way.  It follows the same format.  One day, life is fine, just the way we want it and, the next, it's all changed.  

As I watched Lelan and Lily get off the school bus.....spent the night sleeping between my mother and my daughter at the hotel......ate Greek food with Lee and Jenny......I thought how beautiful the love of family is.  It would be marvelous if we could preserve the present forever.  Even more marvelous to reach back in time and bottle it up before some painful losses were incurred....before some of those unwelcomed changes had taken place.  But, life doesn't work that way. 

So, we just live and love in the moment.  Reminding ourselves that nothing is set in stone.  That the clock is running.  That change is inevitable.  But that we have the gift of today.  A gift that's ours to spend as we choose.  And on whom we choose. 

May we choose wisely.

May we have no regrets. 

Y'all have a good one!          



  1. What a lovely post to read this morning. :) And happy birthday to your mom!

  2. Sounds like you all had a great time visiting your brother for your Mom's birthday. Yes, keep this precious time in your memory and saying I Love You and hugs when you can. Have a wonderful day, Kathleen in Az

    1. We had a great time, Kathleen. Glad we could enjoy some time together. :)

  3. Thanks so much for this timely reminder for me, Joni.


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