The Dog Named Otis
In January, I wrote about a stray dog affectionately called Otis. If you missed the backstory of Otis, you can go back and read about him. Well, last week, a woman posted on a lost pet page that a dog had shown up at her friend’s house and she was trying to help her find its owner. Pam, one of the rescue group on Otis’s trail, saw the post and that’s where the rest of the story begins.
The first sighting of Otis was about 4 months ago- at least, for us. It was assumed that he was a hunting dog and was abandoned in a parking lot near the place he was usually spotted. He’d been seen running toward random white trucks on a couple of occasions, so we wondered if his human may have driven a white truck. No one knew how he ended up there, really. It was all speculation. Whatever his story, Otis was out of place and had become a rambling man. A man on the run. In survival mode. On high alert. He let no one touch him or get anywhere close. He was always on the move. Solitaire was his game.
But, he drew a lot of attention because of the paths he traveled. He liked a retail/restaurant section of town where he captured the eye of many-a-sympathetic woman who would stop and try to help. An accumulation of dog food bowls left for him grew quickly. Besides enjoying the food they left, Otis would accept none of their help. He was a proud man. He made regular appearances on the local lost pet pages like the sampling below. He was becoming a real local celebrity and was often referred to as “baby” in the posted pleas for help. Otis never appreciated being called baby online. It was bad for his image. He’s a man’s man, after all.
Expert Level Love
Mostly Cloudy With a 100% Chance of Afrin
Well, I’ve been home sick this week. I was supposed to go on a little day trip with a friend on Monday but woke up feeling bad. Later, I found out it was Covid, so I’m so glad I didn’t pop some Advil and power through like I was tempted to do. Anyway, who knows where I got it, but my bet is Buc-ee’s. We stopped on the way home from the mountains and I ran inside while Davis pumped gas. The people were shoulder to shoulder in there and, after a few minutes, I realized most of them were coughing. It was a little bizarre. You could almost see the germs buzzing in the air like houseflies. I could have put my drink back and left, but I was really in there to get one of those brisket sandwiches and I wasn’t leaving without it. There are some things worth a roll of the dice and, well, here we are, one incubation period later. Who knows. I could’ve picked it up anywhere but- yeah, I’m going to leave my money on Buc-ee’s.
All things considered, I don’t have a lot to talk about this week. Unless you want to hear about the tribulations of breathing out of one nostril or my flirtations with Afrin addiction. Yes, they’re doing some fine work down there at the Afrin nose spray factory and I don’t think we recognize that enough. I could offer my reasons for recommending Puffs Plus Lotion over Kleenex Soothing Lotion. Ruby and I have taken a lot of naps. Then, we’d get up and look out the window across the foggy, dreary landscape and sigh. I did finish watching The Crown and just loved it. I may have to start it again.
I don’t feel like I’m really missing anything by being on house arrest. I don’t know about where you live, but it’s been so overcast here. Wet, cloudy, cold. I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun. Now don’t get me wrong- I’m all about some cold, overcast days, but even I’ve reached my fill of the damp darkness. I’ll look back in mid-July when the sun has scorched the earth’s surface and think what a fool I was. Most of my friends have been longing for the warmth of the sun and longer stretches of daylight since October. This January did seem particularly gloomy and dark. I’ll give them that. The weatherman has used the sunshine graphic for tomorrow’s forecast. I’m surprised he even remembered where he kept it, but we’ll look forward to it becoming a reality. Take heart, warmth lovers, soon enough we’ll be sweating through our clothes, slapping mosquitos, and our legs sticking to the car seats. Won’t that be great fun?
Just wanted to check in with you even though I didn’t have much to say. One of my resolutions for the new year was to post once a week. Such as it is, I hated to drop the ball this early. I hope y’all see some sunshine this weekend. Be careful out there. It’s an awfully germy time of year!
Until next week-

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