Sunday, November 15, 2015

Not Really a Post

Well, I'm back.  I was gone a little longer than I expected as I was sick this week in the midst of trying to get the second store decorated for the holidays.  Both open houses are over now (Hallelujah and Amen!) and I'm feeling much better, so things are looking up for me...... but not for Davis and Carson who've started showing signs of falling to whatever it was that I had.

I would've gone to the State game Saturday, but I had some last minute work to do and, not to mention, I just didn't think I had the energy.  I would've considered it if I'd been able to get someone to meet me at the car, throw me over their shoulder, tote me across the campus, find my seat, plop me down into it, and ring my cowbell upon command.........and then, 4 quarters later, repeat the process in reverse.  But, since there was no one who seemed interested in that, I sent the boys and watched the slaughter while stretched out on the couch......much like Dak was stretched out on the turf for much of the game.  Bless his little heart.         

Anyway, it's been two weeks since I've exercised, cooked, been to the grocery store, or sat at my own table to eat.  It's been one week since I blogged, cleaned my house, or eaten a vegetable.  And I've missed all of that......except maybe the cleaning house part.

And as much as I'd love to write a post tonight, my brain's low battery light is flashing.  Worse than's starting to make that chirping noise the smoke alarm makes when it's time for a new 9 volt.  So, I'm going to recharge my battery and should be back up and running in a day or two.

I just wanted to say, "Hey"!



  1. So sorry you have been under the weather. Glad you are feeling better. Happy to see a "hey" post. Love your writing!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Teresa! I appreciate your sweet words and, yes, I'm feeling much better, thankfully! Thanks for reading.

  2. Good morning Joni, your battery might take a few days to recharge. Now you can have some sort of normal life, although the busyness of holiday customers probably started. Rest when you can and take your vitamins:) Kathleen in Az

    1. Yes, it will be hectic all the way through Christmas but maybe the worst part is over now. Feels good to get some things done at home today!

  3. You have had a lot going on, and then not feeling well. Rest when you can and get better so you can really enjoy the holidays. And you also might need the energy to care for your two ailing men. :)


    1. Truer words have never been spoken, Deanna. We all know how taxing am ailing man can be. And yes, retail during the holidays is very tiring but there will be plenty of rest to be had in the quiet month of January. :)


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