Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Well, we were supposed to have fun and talk about lighthearted topics today, but we’ve had a tragedy to happen in our town, this week. The worst kind. A child was killed in an accident. Whenever there’s something like that, I don’t feel right about going on with business as usual. Our town is a deeply connected place. The young boy was related to my sister-in-law. I’d never met him, but he was obviously very loved and I can’t imagine what his family must be feeling. 

We don’t get things like this. We can struggle and eventually come to grips with losses that occur later in life but, when death comes to claim life in its earliest and most innocent stages, well, we don’t do so well with that. There’s just no way to make it seem ok. We clumsily stumble with our words because there simply are limits to our language. There are thoughts it can’t envelope and pains it could never encase. There are just no words strong enough to hold up under the weight of some feelings.

Our world is full of situations that leave us speechless. It’s nothing new. Lately, I’ve been feeling the word Paul used long ago, perplexed. Perplexed about a lot of things. Synonyms of perplexed are addled, confused, disconcerted, puzzled, baffled, at a loss. At a loss might be the one I’ve used most. News headlines, tragedies, sicknesses, persecutions, inhumanities, lawlessness, injustices. The stories are coming fast and furious at us as we walk around with technology in our hands. After a while, we can start to feel kind of numb- like we’re unable to do much besides sit and let them ricochet off of us. And maybe wonder when something is going to hit close to our home. 

But, there’s the next part of the verse. “We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.” Other translations- “but we aren’t depressed”, “but we don’t give up.” Not everything will make sense to us on this side of heaven. Goodness knows it doesn’t. I’m certainly not adequate to try to tackle the theology of why things happen like they do. All I know is Jesus promised us there would be trouble in life. He wasn’t kidding about that. “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) He wasn’t kidding about that either. “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” (Romans 8:18) In the meantime, we keep lifting each other up, helping where we can, sharing the hope of Christ, and holding onto the promises of God. 

God, be near the broken-hearted. 



1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry for this loss, and pray for comfort for the family and your town.


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